Title IX
2024 First Institute Title IX Sex Discrimination & Harassment Policy
First Institute Title IX Sexual Misconduct Policy
Training Materials
First Institute is required to post all the training materials for all Title IX personnel on our website. The trainings below are the materials used to train our Title IX Coordinators, Investigators, Decision-Makers, and anyone who facilitates our informal resolution process. Training materials:
- Must not rely on sex stereotypes,
- Must promote impartial investigations and adjudications of formal complaints of sexual harassment,
- Must be maintained by the school for at least 7 years,
- Must be publicly available on the school’s website; if the school does not maintain a website the school must make the training materials available upon request for inspection by members of the public.
Title IX Training Materials
Thompson Coburn LLP An Introduction to Managing Title IX Sexual Harassment on Campus
Thompson Coburn LLP Formal Complaints of Title IX Sexual Harassment
Thompson Coburn LLP Title IX Investigations & Informal Resolutions
Thompson Coburn LLP Title IX Hearings
Thompson Coburn LLP Title IX Determinations
Thompson Coburn LLP Title IX Appeals